Spring Cottage

Fowler's Shop and Barn

Priory Cottage
The village shop - an Aladdin's cave

This 15th century building is in Upper Wanborough. It was a grocer’s shop in the Pendon period, but probably first a dwelling and then a rope-maker’s premises. It is a characteristic long building with a corridor running its full length typical of such premises. The associated barn, although not as old as the main building was well established by the mid-1800s. The property became the Ship Inn which opened sometime prior to 1861; by 1910 the building had been converted to a village shop and was in the hands of licensed grocer. The site is now being re-developed for private housing.

Roye England considered that the shop, in its original form, and the barn would be suitable models for Pendon and he surveyed and photographed them. The two models now sit in the museum landscape, the shop recalling a vernacular building now gone from the Vale of White Horse.

Friends of Pendon can find more about this building here

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